June 3rd-6th, 6-8pm | Ages 4yrs - 5th grade

Let's Start the Party! Jesus gives us the most amazing reason to party. That’s why we believe God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus is the best news ever. Start the Party teaches kids about Friendship, Belonging, Forgiveness, Abundant life, and Purpose.

Check out this years theme song!

Camp Q&A

What should my kid wear?

Comfortable clothes fit for outdoor play. Please remember that your child will be participating in activities that involve cooking, arts and crafts, sports and messy games. Choose clothing and shoes that are easy to wash or that you don’t mind getting dirty.

My child is not in the required age range, can they still participate?

While we’d love for all ages to participate in camp, we’ve chosen these specific age groups to ensure we have enough staff and volunteers to provide the best camp experience possible.

What is the camp schedule?

Photos and Video

Our communications team will be on hand to take photos and video to recap the camp experience. These photos can/will be used on social media and in future publications. Please let our Family Ministry staff know if your child should not be included in any photos or videos prior to the start of camp.

Can I serve as a camp leader?

Absolutely! We’d love to have you! We will accept sign-ups soon! You will be asked to pass a background check prior to serving.

I want to help out, but not as a leader

Fantastic! We’ll need helping preparing for camp activities in the weeks leading up to camp. Email Hannah for more information. Hannah@wearemosaic.org

I have more questions

We’d love to answer any and all questions you may have about Mosaic Kids Camp. Please email our Family Ministry Event Coordinator, Hannah. hannah@wearemosaic.org

Registration Begins May 5th!